Agreements Announcements Litigation

Innovative fraud whistleblower suit in website case produces multimillion-dollar damages settlement and remediation plan

We are pleased announce a precedential settlement of one of our impact cases involving the California Department of Parks and Recreation’s camping reservations website.

Press Releases

Blind Leader Wins $2 Million Settlement Over Inaccessible California Parks Website

The $2 million settlement over an inaccessible California parks website ranks as one of the largest resolutions of web access litigation in the U.S.


Crucial Decision Validates Fraud Whistleblower Suit

In a crucial decision upholding equal access to the Internet, on November 5, 2019, a state court in Alameda County validated the legal bases underlying a fraud whistleblower complaint against Conduent, Inc. and Conduent State & Local Solutions for developing a public website that is inaccessible to people with disabilities.